Saturday, April 2, 2011

New location for the Bang Bang Lairs!

The Bang Bang Lairs rezzplace has moved to a wonderful new sim - to LISP!
It's a beautiful, beautiful place - here's a few impressions (I nicked the picture from Lainy! :))

New LISP Location

To celebrate the new sim, there's a hunt going on - Professor Lisp is preparing to build a cloudbusting machine, but he is not getting very far. He is in need of as many clouds as he can get his hands on. Can you help him in his quest?

Cloudbusting Hunt

There's a hunt-noticeboard at my place, and several more all over the sim. I've also updated the rezzer with all the new houses - Angels Home and Summer House are now available again, and the Kingdom of Cats, too!

Have fun exploring the wonderful LISP sim and it's shops, and have a great weekend!

<3 Sisch & Riott